
Calamity Jennye

Saturday, February 12, 2011

something about women

( I wrote this blog post way back in May of 2009. I rediscovered it when I rekindled this blog...thought I'd post it because I still like what I was saying...enjoy)
I think there must be something, about women perhaps in particular, who lost their mothers (or maybe any parent) early in life.
I think maybe we have some sense that we must continue redeeming that huge error in the world by fixing everything for the rest of our lives.
I was just watching an old show called Tru (something or other). and I can really relate to this girl.
It is also definitely transferable to my marriage.
Contrary to popular belief I don't think I'm perfect; but I do think that 9 times out of 10 I try harder than almost everyone around me.
I mean really, I work two jobs (35 hours per week) and raise my daughter full time with 8-12 hours of child care per week.
That's a lot.
And still my husband says to me, just tonight in fact, that I wouldn't last a day doing his job.
I think without knowing anything about it...without having gone to school for what he does (which is required of everyone who does what he does) I could do his job any day,
with my hands tied behind my back.
So how do I act understanding, and compassionate, and loving, and order to keep my marriage okay?
Which is what I have to do...right?
So...Mom, the source of my motivation and impetus of my need to make everything do i do it? How did you do it? Why? or did you ?
it's a daily it this much of a daily battle for everyone?
I really wonder...should it be?

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